Icu At Home ,leading name in healthcare at home industry,brings medical expertise and hospital quality healthcare services at home
Icu at home registered under MCA as healthcare provider company since may 2021
we contribute to help needy patients in hard time of covid epidemic we serve caritical care service to hopeless covid patients due to unavailability of hospital bads and shortage of healthcare services
we cure 1500+ severely ill patients with 90% recovery rate .
we icu at home provide holistic and best health care helps to recover faster in home climate. our services including Teleconsultation, Doctor visit at home, Nurse at home, Physiotherapist at home,Dietitian at home MedicalEquipments, Icu setup at home ,medical lab testing at home Etc.
our all case operations have more efficient and accurate than any hospital because of dedicated staffs for our patients
Our Vision
vision- "Recover faster with health and wealth"
Our Mission
Mission- "to be first choice of health seekers and health care providers for recover faster with our excellent and distinctive patients care"
Our value
Compassion- We have a deeper level of patient understanding and are always empathetic to their needs. This encourages a culture of providing a higher standard of patient-centred care. We respect each other and our patients, and ensure that their needs are met with dignity. We rise to the occasion each time for we recognise the positive social impact we can create.
Efficiency- We create a responsive healing environment, by being nimble to the needs of our patients and delivering what they really need with precision and timing. We are focused yet fast, personal yet practical, advanced yet seamless in delivering the exact care our patients need.
Excellence- We ask more of ourselves and are always passionate about achieving the highest standards of medical expertise and patient care. We understand that being the best is a continuous journey of becoming better versions of ourselves every day.
Consistency- We always deliver on our commitment and ensure the highest level of patient care is met at every stage, every time. We believe that only through consistency can we achieve our patients’ trust and fulfil our goals.
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